Hello –

I am Moaaz Soltan. I am a Software Engineer.



Below is a showcase of both personal, hobby and professional projects which I have worked on either individually or collaboratively within a team.ย 

Calendar - Compare

Jul 2023

Link: https://xnjyy8kdun.eu-west- 1.awsapprunner.com/join_session
A web app that allows you and your friends to overlay your schedules to reduce the labour of finding a common free time.
1) Go to https://xnjyy8kdun.eu-west-1.awsapprunner.com/join_session
2) Join an existing session by typing in the format of {session name}#{session id} - or press "new session" to create a session with a specified session name
3) In the session lobby, you can create a new user by typing a {user name} or import an existing user by typing in the format of {user name}#{user id}
4) The user schedules can be configured by clicking (or hold click + drag mouse) over the time slots. - A user's colour can be customized at the bottom of the page. -
5) Save the changes to the schedule then go back to the session lobby.

Skills: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) ยท Amazon Web Services (AWS) ยท HTML ยท Flask ยท Python (Programming Language) ยท SQL

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